About Us



Welcome to Faith in Action Bible College where we strive to create an educational environment in which students may obtain foundational Biblical instruction.  This instruction will equip them to effectively “dissect” the Word of God.  Ultimately, our goal is to be a training ground for Christians to be effective disciples for Christ.  “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly diving the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).

Our Approach - Our Story

In addition, it is our desire to equip each student through a training ground focused on building, equipping, educating through the teaching of the Bible.  With the intent to effectively apply the Word of God and its Biblical principles in their day to day walk.  “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

Meet the Team

Our team shares one common vision and that's the desire to equip each student through a training ground focused on building, equipping, educating through the teaching of the Bible.


Apostle Dr. Amoy D. Baker PhD

Founder & President

Apostle Dr Amoy Baker is a true visionary for the kingdom of God. Dr. Baker received her Associate, and Bachelor of Theology in 2016 and her Masters with the doctorate of divinity in christian counseling in 2017. Currently earning Doctorate in philosophy to complete her PHD, Faith In Action Bible College was born, accredited, and licensed by the university of NC Systems in march 2018.


Bishop Dr. Louis Baker lV

Executive Vice President

Associates and Bachelors Degree in Theology earned in June 2016 from NCTS, Clinton NC. Masters Degree and Doctorate Degree in Theology earned in April 2019 at Faith In Action Bible College.

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Dr. Ellsworth Mingoes

Program and Media Director

Dr E. Mingoes is our program Director. He earned his Bachelors Degree, and Masters One at North Carolina Theoligical Seminary, Clinton NC, in 2017. Doctorate Degree earned from Bible Institute Of America in 2018.


Prophetess Kenyatta Clark

Dean of Students

Associates Degree in Biblical Studies from NCCT, Wilmington, NC.  Bachelor Degree in Biblical Studies from North Carolina Theological Seminary, Clinton, NC. Masters and Doctorate Degree from Faith In Action Bible College.

Myra Brown

Minister Myra Brown


Associate Degree in Biblical Studies from North Carolina Theological Seminary, Clinton, NC. Bachelors Degree at Faith In Action Bible College.

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Minister LeMart Smith

Student Affairs

Associate Degree in Biblical Studies from North Carolina Theological Seminary, Clinton, NC. Bachelors Degree at Faith In Action Bible College.